(Answers from last time: 1 D, 2 B, 3 D, 4 A, 5 C)
Dear student,
We’ve practised a bit of grammar, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions. But what about the tricky prepositions? When do I put on, at, in? But what about below, under, through and many others? Luckily for you, there’s a book on the market called Test Your Prepositions (Peter Watcyn-Jones, Jake Allsop). This book will help you consolidate a large number of prepositions. But in order for them to be “glued” to your mind, you need to practice, practise, practise. The emphasis is laid on variety, with tests ranging from gap-filling exercises to multiple choice, crosswords, rewriting sentences, cartoons, word association, finding the misprints in newspaper headlines and so on. There is even a test where the student has to fill in the missing prepositions in various jokes. Who says learning prepositions has to be boring?
So, till next time, fill in the missing prepositions:
1. Doctor: Did you drink your orange juice…….. your bath?
Patient: …. drinking the bath, I didn’t have too much room…. orange juice.
2. Teacher: Where are you from?
Student: Germany.
Teacher: Which part?
Student: All….. me.
3. Teacher: If we breathe oxygen…. the daytime, what do we breathe… night?
Student: Nitrogen?
4. Man: I had to give up tap dancing.
Woman: Why?
Man: I kept falling…. the sink.
5. Patient: Doctor, have you got anything…. my liver?
Doctor: How about some onions?
Autor: Alexandru Macovescu
Alexandru Macovescu – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză, Italiană şi Limba Română pentru Străini
Alexandru este absolvent al Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, specializarea Engleză-Italiană. În 2010, a absolvit un masterat specializat în Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan. Alexandru are o bogată experienţă atât în predarea limbilor engleză și italiană cât și în traduceri și interpretariat și exerciţiu în utilizarea, în contexte diferite, a limbilor străine. În prezent, Alexandru predă inclusiv cursuri A_BEST de limba engleză și italiană, limbaj general și de afaceri, precum şi cursuri de limba română pentru străini, în cadrul companiilor.