(Answers from last time: 1. The last time I flew this type of aircraft was during WW2, 2. We don’t know who wrote this poem, 3. This suitcase cost (me) fifty pounds, 4. Who won the 100 metre dash?, 5. On Sunday she felt worse than now, 6. Father asked Tom why he hadn’t washed his car till then).
Dear student, I found a new material (Oxford English Grammar Course by Michael Swan, Catherine Walter) which comprises grammar issues, ranging from tenses, modal verbs to relatives, indirect speech, prepositions and spoken grammar. This last term may seem unfamiliar to you, but in fact it’s quite easy to grasp: it’s basically the grammar of informal spoken English, which is different from the traditional one.
Here are a few examples:
Ready to take a break? (an advertisement in which the subject and the verb “to be” are left out)
McDonald’s. I’m loving it (an ad in which the verb “love” is used in the continuous; it is generally not used like that)
Want to study in the City of London? (an ad in which the auxiliary “do” and the subject are left out)
Till next time, here are a few exercises:
1. Make these sentences more natural by cutting out unnecessary expressions after auxiliaries.
Ex: I can’t see you today, but I can see you tomorrow.
a. She thinks I don’t love her, but I do love her.
b. I’ve bought one of these tops, and Sue has bought one too.
c. She can’t swim, but I can swim.
d. Phil doesn’t want to go, and Celia doesn’t want to go either.
2. Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes or write “Correct”.
Ex: Are you English, are you? Are you English?
a. Lost your key?
b. “I’m tired”. “I also”.
c. “Is it going to rain?”. “I don’t hope so.”
d. I haven’t seen many films this year, but my sister has.
3. Put in the missing words (one word or two).
a. I’m late,…. I?
b. She never smiles,…. she?
c. Hold this for a minute,… …?
d. Celia wasn’t around today, and Max wasn’t…
Autor: Alexandru Macovescu – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză, Italiană şi Limba Română pentru Străini
Alexandru este absolvent al Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, specializarea Engleză-Italiană. În 2010, a absolvit un masterat specializat în Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan. Alexandru are o bogată experienţă atât în predarea limbilor engleză şi italiană cât şi în traduceri şi interpretariat şi exerciţiu în utilizarea, în contexte diferite, a limbilor străine. În prezent, Alexandru predă inclusiv cursuri A_BEST de limba engleză şi italiană, limbaj general şi de afaceri, precum şi cursuri de limba română pentru străini, în cadrul companiilor.