Answers for the previous exercise (published on October 29th): 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-e, 6-f, 7-g, 8-h, 9-i,10-j, 11-k, 12-l, 13-m

Hello everyone!

The way we associate words is extremely important in English and an important step to improving your vocabulary is to learn the words that commonly go together.

For example, when we talk about business, we talk about money. But do we really know how to talk about it?

Do we know how to make the right combinations with the word ‘money’?

Usually, collocations are a combination of adjective + noun, verb + noun, or even noun + noun.

Today I’ve decided to talk about money, so I will present a short list of words commonly used with the noun ‘money’.

  1. Adjective + ‘money’



  • He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he’ll find it’s quite a different story.
  • Would you like a little extra pocket money this weekend?
  • The best way to feel good about any purchase is if it’s been made with hard-earned money.
  • It’s not right to waste taxpayers’ money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy.
  • I don’t want your dirty money!
  • The police discovered more than $2 million in fake money.
  • If you complete the project before next Tuesday, there’ll be some bonus money

2. Verb + ‘Money’



  • The government printed a lot of money in 2001.
  • Let’s count your money and see if you have enough to buy that.
  • The company brought in more than $4 million.
  • Could I borrow some money for this weekend?
  • I’ll lend you some money until next month.
  • I deposited a large amount of money last Friday.
  • She took $500 out of our account.
  • They paid out more than $300 dollars for that lamp.
  • I hate it when you squander our savings!
  • They set aside $200 each week for savings.
  • She owes Thomas a lot of money.
  • That painting is worth a lot of money.
  • I’d like to change twenty dollars please. Could you give me four five dollar bills?
  • He was charged with embezzling money from the company.

They used the internet to launder the stolen money.


Match the halves:

  1. He hoped the scheme would
  2. How much money
  3. He squandered
  4. We’re trying
  5. They owe lots
  6. We changed
  7. He was charged with
  8. He started stealing as
  9. Did your parents
  10. Is this a good way
a)      bring in quite a bit of money

b)      to spend taxpayers’ money?

c)       laundering money.

d)      of people money

e)      his money on gambling and drinking.

f)       to set some money aside for a new car.

g)      give you pocket money when you were little?

h)      a way of making easy money.

i)        did he earn last year?

j)        our money into dollars at the airport.



Laura Sîrbu este absolventă a Facultăţii de Litere din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti, specializarea Română – Engleză. Tot în cadrul Universităţii, ea a absolvit masteratul „Studii Americane”, organizat la Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine.

Laura deţine autorizaţie de traducător pentru limba engleză şi atestatul lingvistic „Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.”

Laura a participat la numeroase workshop-uri şi are cunoştinţe solide în ceea ce priveşte studiile culturale, antropologia şi multiculturalismul.

În cadrul Centrului de Limbi Străine A_BEST, Laura susţine cursuri de pregătire pentru examenele CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) şi IELTS, pe lângă cursurile de limba engleză şi limba română pentru străini din cadrul companiilor.