(Answers from last time: I. a. Figures for both male and females are given by the data in the graph, b. The diagram is divided into four sections, one for each language, c. 2000 CDs were sold (by the music store) in the month of May to persons aged 20-25, d. The CD is placed (by the user) into the CD-ROM and the program is loaded into memory; II. a. clever, b. aware, married, c. responsible, d. upset, invited, e. hopeless, f. capable, g. unreasonable, h. short, i. keen, j. crowded, k. suspicious, l. full.)

Dear student,

dreamstimeextrasmall_3822115Today we shall discuss the Listening part of the IELTS exam. This test consists of four sections, each with ten questions. The first two sections are concerned with social needs. The first section is a conversation between two speakers and the second section is a monologue. The final two sections are concerned with situations relating to educational or training contexts. The third section is a conversation between up to four people and the fourth section is a monologue.

A variety of questions is used: multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labeling, form completion, note completion, table/flow chart completion, summary/sentence completion.

Candidates hear the recording once only and answer the questions as they listen. Afterwards, the candidates have 10 minutes to transfer their answers to the answer sheet.

Till next time, here are a few useful exercises for your IELTS preparation:

I. Locate all the spelling errors in the following sentences and correct them:

a. Studing a langauge in a contry wehre it is widly spoeken has meny advaintages.

b. Most oversees studnts lern Engerish at secondry skool or at unversity nowdays.

c. There knowlege of grammer is off en quiet advansed wich is certanly usefull when

foriegners come to life in an Inglesh-spekin envirenment.

d. In Britain their are many oppurtunitys to practice liserning to and speking Engriss.

e. It is prefferable to mak frends with a nativ speakar in owder to practess connvesaton.

f. A resonable leval of English can be acheived quikly if a studnt is dedecated to studdy.

II. Choose either the plural or singular form of the word in brackets:

a. The number of women involved (was / were) greater than the number of men.

b. In the table, the figure refers to the females and (is / are) larger than the figure for males.

c. The people who (is / are) at risk (is/are) (that/those) in the group that(lives/live) locally.

d. The proportion of cars which (use/uses) unleaded petrol (is/are) smaller than that of

all other cars.

e. The team of scientists (was/were) made up of biologists, geologists, and anthropologists.

f. A plague of insects, which (was/were) destroying the farmland, (was/were) eliminated.

g. The data from the earlier surveys (is/are) less reliable than the latest data.

(Source: https://www.t1t.net/researches/english/4.pdf)

Autor: Alexandru Macovescu – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză, Italiană şi Limba Română pentru Străini

Alexandru este absolvent al Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, specializarea Engleză-Italiană. În 2010, a absolvit un masterat specializat în Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan. Alexandru are o bogată experienţă atât în predarea limbilor engleză şi italiană cât şi în traduceri şi interpretariat şi exerciţiu în utilizarea, în contexte diferite, a limbilor străine. În prezent, Alexandru predă inclusiv cursuri A_BEST de limba engleză şi italiană, limbaj general şi de afaceri, precum şi cursuri de limba română pentru străini, în cadrul companiilor.