Since Christmas is coming, we all take a few days off and thus cannot be reached for a limited/ extended period of time.

So I thought of a couple of out of office templates: some formal ones, some informal/ funny ones:

1. Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office with limited/ no access to the e-mail.

I will be returning on January 7..

If you need assistance before then, you may reach me at… For urgent issues, please contact… or phone this number….

2. Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will return on….
Kind regards,

3. Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office and only have intermittent access to email. If the matter needs urgent attention please contact… or write to the following email address…

Best regards,

4. Sorry, but starting from January 31 till February 23 I shall be out of office. If you want to reach me (and why would you?) send me an email to…

5. Bad news for you: I will be out of the office starting with March  22 till March 27. Good news for me: I will be relaxing.

6. I will be out of the office from the 23rd of December till the 2nd of January. I will review your message following my return on… If you need immediate assistance, contact…

7. You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office till the 4th of January 2013. Please call this number in case something urgent comes  up.

Do not forget:

– always use the present simple/future simple in an out of office template;

– use adverbs (such as currently) between the verb to be/an auxiliary verb and the main verb;

– if you have a period of time during which you will be out of office, use till;

– mind the spelling of some tricky words such as access;

– the date is very important, so mind you: the 1st , the 2nd , the 3rd, the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 31st. All the other dates have “th” at the end  (7th, 11th, 15th etc) :)

Happy Holidays and a blissful New Year from the A_BEST Team!

Autor: Alexandru Macovescu – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză, Italiană şi Limba Română pentru Străini

Alexandru este absolvent al Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, specializarea Engleză-Italiană. În 2010, a absolvit un masterat specializat în Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan. Alexandru are o bogată experienţă atât în predarea limbilor engleză şi italiană cât şi în traduceri şi interpretariat şi exerciţiu în utilizarea, în contexte diferite, a limbilor străine. În prezent, Alexandru predă inclusiv cursuri A_BEST de limba engleză şi italiană, limbaj general şi de afaceri, precum şi cursuri de limba română pentru străini, în cadrul companiilor.