Nowadays we put a lot of emphasis on politeness and mutual respect. It is important to always know how to address orders, comments, and remarks without offending others. We can express our disagreement in a firm but polite way, ensuring a calm atmosphere for any further discussions. Here are some examples of how you can add polite words into some basic phrases in English:
I want a hamburger. -> I would like a hamburger.
Send me the report. -> Could you send me the report?
Leave me alone. -> Could you please give me a minute alone?
Tell me when you’re available. -> Let me know when you are available.
You’re wrong. -> I think you might be mistaken.
That’s a bad idea. -> I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.
Your work isn’t good. -> I’m not quite satisfied with this work.
I don’t like the colors in this design. -> I’m not too fond of the colors in this design.
What? -> Could you repeat, please?
I want a coffee. -> I’ll have a coffee, please.
It’s hot, open the window! -> Do you mind if I open the window?
Who are you? -> May I have/ask your name?
Autor: Diana Dobrescu
Diana Dobrescu este absolventă a Facultăţii de Litere, departamentul de Limbi şi literaturi moderne şi ştiinţele comunicării – studii culturale, în cadrul Universităţii „Ovidius” din Constanţa. În prezent, Diana Dobrescu urmează cursurile masteratului de „Studii Americane” organizat de Facultatea de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti.
Diana are experiență în predarea limbii engleze și a limbii române pentru străini. La cursuri, Diana are o abordare modernă și interactivă, prin care reusește să mențină interesul cursanților pe întregul parcurs al lecțiilor.