- Marți, 19 ianuarie 2021, 18:00 – 19:00
Organizat de Centrul de Limbi Straine A_BEST
Trainer: Miruna Pință, Senior Language Trainer A_BEST
Eveniment online, live, pe Zoom
Public țintă: persoane adulte, care cunosc limba engleză la nivel minim B1.1
Preț bilet: 149 ron/ persoană
Nr locuri: 50
Se acordă 10% DISCOUNT în cazul a cel puţin 2 participanţi din cadrul aceleiaşi firme/ în cazul a cel puţin 2 persoane fizice care se cunosc şi hotărăsc să studieze împreună.
* Discount-ul de mai sus nu se cumulează cu alte discount-uri pe care Centrul de Limbi Străine A_BEST le oferă partenerilor săi, persoane juridice/ fizice.
A_BEST Foreign Language Center invites you to attend our upcoming webinar: „Key Phrases for Successful Virtual Business Meetings in English” that will take place on the 28th of October 2020, starting at 6 PM on Zoom.
What do you say in a formal online meeting in English?
In this short webinar, our colleague, Miruna Pință, will teach you some key phrases extremely useful when:
- Starting the Online Meeting (via Zoom, Webex, Microsft Teams etc)
- Bringing Up Topics for Discussion
- Asking for Clarification
- Stalling the Discussion
- Moving On
- Summarizing the Discussion
- Closing the Meeting
Learn more about the trainer:
Miruna Pinţă is a graduate of The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the English Language and Literature – Spanish Language and Literature department from the Ovidius University in Constanţa, and a graduate of the MA Programme for the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text from the University of Bucharest.
Miruna is passionate about teaching and she believes that the best way to develop in this field is by putting theory into practice. Miruna has been teaching English for over 8 years, and throughout her career she has delivered many English language courses, especially for learners from multinational companies in Bucharest. Miruna is permanently trying to help learners improve their use of English, gauging their progress both by personalized teaching material and by eliciting feedback and constant interaction from learners during lessons.
Miruna’s outstanding teaching competence has enabled her to strike a balance between the 4 language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. She can effortlessly adapt to various work environments, contributing with her positive energy and her creativity to building rapport with all learners.
Miruna teaches general English, English for business and mixed English courses, focusing on the immediate application of theoretical knowledge to the learners’ work environment.