a7tv.ro – BUSINESS LA SUPERLATIV – Flori Stoian interview with Aura Icodin

Profit TV – Decizii la Vârf – Guest Aura Icodin – CEO & Founder A_BEST

Business24.ro – Aura Ipate, the teacher who gives homework to corporate employees

Interviu Centrul de Limbi Străine A_BEST in Business24.ro

Ordineazilei.ro – Aura Ipate, the teacher-entrepreneur: She has turned her passion for foreign languages into a successful business

Interviu Aura Ipate centrul de limbi straine Abest in Ordineazilei.ro

Cariereonline.ro – Is there a recipe for success when compiling your CV?

Interviu Aura Ipate centrul de limbi straine A_best in Cariereonline.ro

Trainart.ro – If you ask me, a happy and motivated team is the key to a successful business

Interviu Aura Ipate Centrul de limbi straine A_best in Trainart.ro

Femei in afaceri – An interview with Aura Ipate, A_BEST owner

Femei in afaceri - interviu Centrul de limbi straine A_best

Cariereonline – Understand what the key to success was

cariereonline interviu Aura Ipate Centrul de limbi straine A_best

Businessmagazin.ro – The reasons why employees want to learn foreign languages

eduperformance.ro – Entrepreneur in school: Aura Icodin

zf.ro – A foreign language center for the corporate environment

Ziarul Financiar – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center: The request of companies for German language courses for their employees is increasing


Manager Express – Getting in business through German
Ascensiunea în mediul de business prin limba germana MANAGER EXPRESS

Mediafax – What is the most wanted foreign language by the Romanian employers

Care este cea mai dorita limba straina de catre angajatorii din România Mediafax

Revista Biz – What foreign languages corporate workers learn

Ce limbi străine învață corporatiștii Revista Biz

Ziarul Financiar – The labour market is changing: „The appetite for Nordic languages has begun to decrease, though the request for candidates is high.” Arabic and Russian are starting to be in high demand

Se schimba piata muncii - Apetitul pentru limbile nordice a început sa scada - incep sa se caute araba si rusa Ziarul Financiar

Ziarul Financiar – Romanian companies turn their attention towards globalization. The newest trend in corporate training


HR Manager – From je ne comprends rien to business advantage

Limbile straine de la je ne comprends rien la atu in business

Cariereonline.ro – The three most wanted foreign languages for business

Top trei cele mai căutate cursuri de limbi străine pentru afaceri

Cariereonline.ro – How do you prepare yourself for the English interview for a top position?

Cum te prezinţi la interviul în limba engleză pentru o poziţie de top?

Hrmanageronline.ro – The expats in the classroom

Cu expaţii în sala de curs

Femei in afaceri – Teaching foreign languages: interactive method, immediate benefits

Femei in afaceri interviu Aura Ipate centrul de limbi straine A_best

Ziarul Finaciar – The company reaches a turnover of 200 000 euros

Se apropie de afaceri de 200.000 de euro

Femei in afaceri – Bilingual management for successful businesses

Management bilingv pentru afaceri de succes

Business Woman – Climbing the Corporate Ladder Using Foreign Languages

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Gala celebrating 10 years of A_BEST

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST 11th Anniversary Event

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Getting in business through German, third edition – the perks of German in business

Ascensiunea în mediul de business prin limba germana ed a III a - avantajele limbii germane în afaceri Comunicate de presa

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST Conference: „Getting in business through German”, third edition

Conferinta marca A_BEST _Ascensiunea in mediul de business prin limba germana editia a III a Comunicate de presa

Revista Debizz – Romanian on the expats’ agenda – fifth edition, an A_BEST event for Human Resources professionals

Limba romana pe agenda expatilor editia a V a un eveniment A_BEST dedicat profesionistilor de resurse umane DeBizz

Comunicatedepresa.ro – 12 A_BEST trained attended an IELTS training programme

12 traineri A_best au participat la un program de instruire IELTS

Comunicatedepresa.ro – 13 A_BEST trainers received the ECL examiner certificate

13 traineri A_Best au obtinut certificatul de examinator ECL

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST has celebrated the European Day of Foreign Languages through debates and interactive games

A_BEST a sarbatorit Ziua Europeana a Limbilor Straine prin dezbateri si jocuri interactive

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST, in partnership with Romania Business Insider, urges your expat colleagues to learn Romanian!

A_BEST in parteneriat cu Romania Business Insider

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST Summer School, first edition: intensive English courses, thematic workshops and conversation clubs

A_BEST Summer School Editia I

DeBizz – „Romanian on the Expats’ Agenda”- 4th edition

Limba româna pe agenda expatilor editia a IV a

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST supports INOCENŢI Foundation!

A_BEST sustine Fundatia Inocenti

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Alan Godsave, LCCI Regional Manager – a special guest the A_BEST Conference – May 17, 2012, Golden Tulip Times Hotel, Bucharest
Alan Godsave Director General LCCI

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Getting in business through German – The impact of German language corporate projects

Ascensiunea in mediul de business prin limba germana Impactul proiectelor de training corporate de limba germana

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Linguistic Auditing in the HR process, an A_BEST event organized for Human Resources practitioners

Auditul lingvistic în procesul de recrutare

Comunicatedepresa.ro – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center has celebrated 6 years on the market

Centrul de limbi straine A_best a aniversat 6 ani de activitate

Ordineazilei.ro – A_BEST launched its own learning tool for Romanian for expats

Centrul de Limbi Straine A_BEST a lansat primul manual de limba romana dedicat expatilor

Comunicatedepresa.ro – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center is attending the HRevolution Conference for Human Resources practitioners

Centrul de Limbi Straine_A_BEST participa la conferinta HR Revolution

Fabiz.ase.ro – A_BEST Foreign Language Center has offered prizes at the Science Communication Session FABIZ


Comunicatedepresa.ro – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center, an official representative of Meridian School of English, is sending you to study business English in Great Britain

Centrul de Limbi Straine A_BEST reprezentant Meridian School of Business

Comunicatedepresa.ro – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center has received accreditation for ECL exams

Centrul de Limbi Straine a obtinut acreditare ECL

Comunicatedepresa.ro – The A_BEST Foreign Language Center has celebrated 4 years on the market

Centrul de Limbi Straine Abest a aniversat 4 ani de activitate

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST endorses the Job Fair „Forum de l’emploi francophone”

Centrul de Limbi Straine A_Best participa la Forum de Lemploi Francophone

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST Interactive event: „Romanian on the Expats Agenda”

Eveniment interactiv A_BEST Limba romana pe agenda expatilor

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Two more A_BEST Foreign Language Center trainers have received examiner diplomas for the oral examination LCCI – English for Business

Înca doi traineri ai Centrului de Limbi Străine A_BEST au obţinut diplome de examinatori LCCI

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Register for an internationally recognized ECL exam and get a „linguistic passport!”

Inscrie-te la un examen ECL cu recunoastere internationala si obtine un pasaport lingvistic

Comunicatedepresa.ro – Get high scors at IELTS and CAE exams! Register for an IELTS training course!

Obtine punctaje maxime la testarile IELTS si CAE Inscrie-te la un curs de pregatire la A_BEST

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A_BEST Prizes at”Together for Christmas”, a Women in Business event

Premii A_BEST, în cadrul Together for Christmas eveniment Femei în Afaceri

Ordineazilei.ro –A_BEST services have been certitfied by the Quality Management System. The company is free to expand on the international market.

Serviciile A_BEST au obtinut certificarea Sistemului de Management al Calitatii

Comunicatedepresa.ro – A raffle with A_BEST prizes on the European Day of Foreign Languages

Tombolă cu premii A_BEST, de Ziua Europeană a Limbilor Străine

Comunicatedepresa.ro – An A_BEST Workshop, in partnership with ABI: English for real estate brokers

Workshop A_BEST, în parteneriat cu ABI