
I’m sure all of you attend business meetings and there are situations when you oppose or don’t understand what someone has just said. Maybe  you ask yourselves:  ’Should I interrupt or should I wait until he/ she finishes talking?’

1265010_pencils_and_pensWell, interrupting during a business meeting is sometimes necessary and generally accepted, but only if it’s done the right way. Try not to state your point loudly over what someone else is saying, because this can be seen as rude. It’s best to make interruptions politely, using formal or less formal phrases.

You can interrupt someone during a meeting with formal phrases like:

  • ’I apologize for interrupting but..’
  • ’I’d like to make a point here, if I could.’
  • ’I would like to add something.’
  • Sorry to hold the meeting up, but…’

There are also casual, less formal ways to interrupt a meeting:

  • ’Sorry to interrupt you.’
  • ’Just a minute!’
  • ’Wait, what about..?’
  • ’Sorry to butt in but..’

Try to remember these phrases  and use them in your  English business environment.

Good luck!

Autor: Cecilia Stănia – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză

Cecilia Stănia este absolventă a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Dimitrie Cantemir, specializarea Studii Limba şi literatura Engleză– Limba şi Literatura Germană, promoţia 2010.

Cecilia a fost mereu interesată să-şi îmbunătăţească cunoştinţele de limba engleză, de aceea ea a urmat modulul Psihopedagogic Nivelul I.

În calitate de trainer A_BEST, Cecilia predă engleza – limbaj general şi business – în mediul corporate.