(Answers from last time: 1. decreased / 2. has gone up / 3. has gone down / 4. increased / 5. has levelled off / 6. have declined / 7. reached a high / 8. rose / 9. has remained stable / 10. fell)
Meetings usually have a very specific goal and rely on the participation of everyone in the group to accomplish that goal. But what do you do when people are quiet and don’t take part in discussions? Meaningful contribution is the key to meeting success, so it’s very important to get more people involved.
How do you do this? First of all, you shouldn’t dominate the meeting, because the others will have less time to speak up. This will also convey that only your ideas are important.
Secondly, you should be positive. Demonstrate that all ideas are valuable by restating important points. Thank people for their comments and opinions.
And very important, if you want people to take part in discussions, ask directly. To get input from people, ask them for their thoughts.
Here are some useful phrases to invite people to take part in discussions.
Asking for comments
’What do you think about that?’
’What do we all think?’
’Do you have anything to share?’
’Do you want to start us off?’
’Do you want to come in here?’
’Would you like to make a point here?’
’Does anyone want to say anything on that?’
’Would you like to comment on that?’
Asking for opinions
’What do you think?’
’Do you agree?’
’Do you feel that … ?’
’What do you think about?’
Good luck!
Autor: Cecilia Stănia – Trainer intern A_BEST Limba Engleză
Cecilia Stănia este absolventă a Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Dimitrie Cantemir, specializarea Studii Limba şi literatura Engleză– Limba şi Literatura Germană, promoţia 2010.
Cecilia a fost mereu interesată să-şi îmbunătăţească cunoştinţele de limba engleză, de aceea ea a urmat modulul Psihopedagogic Nivelul I.
În calitate de trainer A_BEST, Cecilia predă engleza – limbaj general şi business – în mediul corporate.